Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kaytlyn's Carnitas Tacos, Paleo Style!

Well it's been quite a while since we started the nutrition challenge at OCF, 53 days to be exact! The 7 day count down to the 60 DAY mark begins....... Although, I must admit, I will likely continue in the way of "Paleo"!

Even Kaytlyn, my daughter has pretty much converted to the Paleo lifestyle. After battling with digestion issues all her life, and realizing that her daughter, Jaydin Lilly, (my sweet little princess grand daughter) was starting to suffer the with the same, Kaytlyn decided to change her eating! For the most part she has cut out dairy, grains and legumes, and guess what! No More intestinal cramping or digestive issues!! And sweet little Jaydin Lilly is doing great as well!

She even came up with a great tasting Paleo Carnita's Recipe

2lb. (small) Pork Sirloin Tip Roast (or any lean cut of pork roast)

Celery (couple stalks)

Carrots (one or two)

Cilantro (to taste)

1/4 to 1/2 and Onion (to taste)

Salsa Verde (7 to 8 oz. depending on size of Roast

Salsa Rojo (for you gringo's, that just regular salsa, the red kind!)

Iceberg Lettuce

Place the Pork Roast in the crock pot

Finely chop, Celery, carrots, onion and cilantro, throw on top of pork roast in crock pot.

Add Salsa Verde, and Red salsa to taste.....if you like it spicy add more, mild add less!

If you wish to make a larger batch, just use a larger pork roast and adjust the rest of the ingredients's not rocket science. :-)

Depending on the size of the pork roast, crock pot cooking time can vary from 6 to 8 hours.
The 2lb roast I made only took about 5 1/2 to 6hrs.

The meat should shred easily with a fork.

Gently separate the Iceberg lettuce leaves.

Use the iceberg lettuce leaves as your "Taco Shell", spoon the Carnitas meat in the center of the leaf, fold over and ENJOY!!

I usually serve with steamed cauliflower ...... kind of gives it a "rice" texture and is really very tasty!

Princess Jaydin Lilly!

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